Are You Immune to Covid?

This could be famous last words, but I’m cautiously optimistic that even as the media blathers on about the latest variant I’ll be ok and hope this is true for most others. At the least, perhaps reading this will help you feel better!

I believe I’m probably immune for the following reasons; please consider this yourself:

1) Choose to believe you’re immune to COVID and that that your amazing mind/body tends to manifest whatever you believe.

2) Maintain your amazing mind/body in optimal condition by holding a grateful, loving, and joyful state as much as possible and nurturing the body with exercise, sleep, and healthy diet.

3) Get vaccinated, get boosted.

4) Live with as much solitude or gregariousness as you wish.

For me, I like to live my life free of fear and constraint and have been out and about a lot. Either the latest variant is not really as contagious as they say, or else I’m as immune to it as I am to the common cold, which I’ve only experienced one mild case of in the last three years.
