What to Do When the Shadow Falls?

Traveling on twin journeys of Dream Building and Meditating, I’ve noticed a keener awareness of the inner world of the mind. From living on a higher frequency of gratitude and flow, we get habituated to the way we love to feel so that later, when we’re inwardly ruminating on whatever seems wrong in the world, we notice our thoughts have changed from positive to negative.

Today, I noticed something else. While walking, I felt a sense of disquiet steal over me. Nothing specific, except that instead of enjoying another beautiful spring day, part of me was expecting something to go wrong even if just in my own mind. Soon I found myself remembering reasons I should feel bad, and from there descending into more negative thinking.

Later, I told myself to be happy and grateful to be able to notice negative thinking before it begins. Increased awareness is always good, yes?

Here’s my question: Can anyone relate to this idea of feeling the shadow fall? And what can we do to clear the shadow immediately and not even start down the road of negative thinking, self-doubt, or resentment?

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