The White Magic of the Infinite Mind

You often hear advocates of the New Thought such as Mary Morrissey say that we have access to the Universal Mind, to an infinite consciousness.

If so, that is not through any mechanism that science yet understands. The metaphysical part of Morrissey’s teaching (aka the “woo woo” stuff 🙂 seems like mysticism or fantasy. Something that the wise should not believe. Or should they?

On a coaching call this December for a Brave Thinking course that I’m enrolled in with Morrissey, she took us through an exercise: Four times we were asked to pick one of three numbers. At the end of the exercise we were given four statements corresponding to the numbers we had picked. It was later revealed to us that those 12 statements (from which each of us had selected four) themselves came from a list of 18 statements in the book “The Optimist Creed.”

Mary said that our subconscious has access to the infinite mind, and it would guide each of us in selecting the right four numbers. Indeed, my following four statements seem thematically connected in an amazing way. Take a look.

  • I promise to talk  about health, happiness,  and prosperity in all conversations I’m having.
  • I promise to be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as I am about my own.
  • I promise to wear a cheerful expression it all times and to give a smile to every living creature I meet.
  • I promise to live in the faith that the whole world is on my side so long as I am true to the best that is in me.

Isn’t it beautiful how these statements build on each other?

Did this just happen randomly? Was it inevitable that any 4 of the 12 used would seem to have a powerful relationship with each other? Was it a accident? Or do I actually have access to an infinite mind that actually exists and knew about these 4 statements?

I could try to compare three lists of statements: 18 in all, the 12 offered, and the 4 I picked. But would I even want to do this analysis? Or would looking behind the magician’s curtain only spoil the serendipity I found?

Magic it’s one of those things it works best when you believe in it. If this is white magic, let it be true.