Are our Thoughts Illusions or Projections?

Isn’t it funny how we can disagree on the particulars of a question but still come down in a similar place on the big picture?It seems like it all comes down to the usefulness question. We know that a lot of our thoughts are wildly inaccurate corresponding neither particularly well to physical reality or to social consensus reality.

And for both of these there are infinite ways that something as complex as the human mind can project them.

  • Physical reality: We perceive the world through the sensory apparatus of our eyes, ears, and other receptors. But what we’re seeing and hearing is only part of the light wavelength or sound frequency spectrum. Well might one ask: What does the color red really look like?
  • Social consensus: Where do I start? The joke goes: Ask a lawyer “What color is it?” and they’ll say: “Which do you want it to be?” We live in a Tower of Babel – now on the Internet.

But again as the Student I’ve learned a lot from the Master such as… How to identify my roles in life and some outstanding outcomes for them, how to examine my beliefs, how to understand my mental meta-programs and how to change non-useful beliefs into useful ones.

Does it matter if I don’t believe that my thoughts are illusions but just projections that are veal though they may not always correspond to physical reality or social consensus?

It’s just semantics in the end. To be continued…

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